"Deciphering Dense Data: Approaches to Visualization" by Sara Amato and Kathleen Spring

Faculty & Staff Presentations

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Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science


Working with large data sets can be a challenge for both librarians and external stakeholders. Vendors often provide scads of data about the products we use, but sifting through it takes time. Visualization tools exist to help distill meaning from particularly dense data. This talk provides a look at how data visualization approaches can differ based on a variety of organizational factors such as staffing capacity, costs, and specific project requirements. We offer a nuts-and-bolts look at a serials and journals shared print project from the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust that uses Tableau and OpenRefine to create collection retention scenarios on-the-fly, as well as a look at how Linfield College is attempting to implement more visually appealing and digestible ways of sharing collections data with various stakeholders in multiple venues. Through these examples, we aim to spur attendees to discuss how different techniques or approaches might transfer to data assessment scenarios at their own institutions.


This presentation was given at the 2018 Acquisitions Institute, held at Timberline Lodge in Government Camp, Oregon.

AmatoSpringDecipheringDenseDataHandout2018.pdf (69 kB)
Handout of resources referenced in the presentation.



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