"Comparison of Biotic Communities of the Cedar-Hemlock and Oak-Hickory " by Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds

Document Type


Date Range

circa 1937-1941


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


This early, typewritten draft of the doctoral dissertation by Jane Claire Dirks (later Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds) contains her edits and notes. Dirks-Edmunds's project compared the Douglas fir forest community on Saddleback Mountain in Oregon to an oak-hickory forest near her graduate school in Illinois.

Dr. Dirks-Edmunds graduated from Linfield College in 1937; she later returned to teach in the Biology department at Linfield from 1941-1974.


Collection Credit

Dr. Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds Papers. Jereld R. Nicholson Library. Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Donated by Lyle Hubbard, 2014.



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