Post-Grant Reports


Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report

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American Politics | Political History | Political Science | Political Theory | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social Influence and Political Communication | United States History


During the summer of 2015, undergraduate students Jillaine Cook, Robin Seiler-Garman, and Ellie Forness collaborated with me on my book project, The Radical and the Conservative: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley, and the American Dream. The book focuses on a debate that occurred at the Cambridge Union in 1965. One of our tasks last summer was to track down several of the students who participated in the debate with Baldwin and Buckley. We were able to do so and we began the process of getting information from them about the genesis of the debate and what happened before and after Baldwin and Buckley squared off at the Union. In addition to this work, the students assisted me in tracking down out-of-print publications, news reports, and scholarly articles needed for the project. As a result of the research we did last summer, I was able to begin writing the book in January 2016 and I have hopes of completing a draft by the end of the year. My hope is to send out a chapter or two in the months ahead in order to get the book under contract with a major press.


This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2015, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.

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