"Revisionary Interpretations of the Public Enterprise (Video Program)" by Michael Huntsberger

Post-Grant Reports


Revisionary Interpretations of the Public Enterprise (Video Program)

Document Type


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Broadcast and Video Studies | International and Intercultural Communication | Mass Communication


This project encompassed editing and post-production activities for the production of a video documentary program. The program, A Conversation with RIPE Scholars, explores the roles of public service media in national and transnational cultures, and demonstrates how public service media serve the cultural expression requirements of individuals, communities, and societies.

The production relied on location video of interviews with PSM researchers and professionals from Egypt, Morocco, Mexico, and Bangladesh. The faculty member shot the raw video in Tokyo, Japan in August 2014. The faculty member also produced additional audio materials. In the roles of associate producer and primary editor, the student edited the video, produced and added graphic materials.

Location video was combined with graphic materials and music into a program of just over 11 minutes. Post-production occurred during the 2014-15 academic year. The program was exhibited in the Collaborative Research Symposium in May 2015, and distributed through DigitalCommons@Linfield, and RIPE YouTube channel. Outcomes continue to be shared with students in media production courses.


This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2014, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.

The student collaborator was Kelsey R.H. Tanouye.

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