Post-Grant Reports
Sabbatical Leave Report
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Applied Mathematics | Curriculum and Instruction | Science and Mathematics Education
During my sabbatical leave, I finished writing a complete draft of an introduction to game theory text based on the materials I use in my MATH 120 Introduction to Game Theory course. The text uses an inquiry-based approach. In addition to making the text usable by other faculty, I wrote a supplementary instructor's guide which includes additional classroom activities and solutions to the exercises. I also added sections to the text applying the mathematical concepts to popular culture. This work integrates both the quantitative reasoning components of MATH 120 and the writing and inquiry components of my INQS 125 Game Theory in Popular Culture. Given the desire of mathematics departments across the country to teach quantitative reasoning and inquiry courses to non-majors, I believe there is a demand for materials such as these.
In April, I attended an American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) workshop on MathBook XML and open source publication of math texts. I learned about advantages of open source publication, and the organizers provided useful advice about matters such as licensing, marketing, online publication, and print-on-demand options. I learned how to write in MathBook XML, which is an XML application for authors of scientific textbooks. It allows the author to produce a text in a usable and interactive online format. I also learned how to use several other open source technological tools to help make an interactive text. Although my text is currently only available as a PDF, it is ready to be translated into XML.
My secondary sabbatical projects include renewing my Math PLUS Mentoring Program funded by a Mathematics Association of America Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grant, finishing a paper with David Sumner, "It is all about inquiry: a cross disciplinary conversation about the shared foundations for teaching," which has been accepted in a special edition of PRIMUS on teaching inquiry, and writing a summary chapter on research in competitive graph coloring with Chuck Dunn and Victor Larsen for a text on undergraduate research in mathematics to be published by Springer.
Recommended Citation
Nordstrom, Jennifer Firkins, "Sabbatical Leave Report" (2017). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 121.
This research was conducted as part of a sabbatical leave in 2016.