Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Creative Writing | Poetry
This poem by José Angel Araguz originally appeared in Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature.
José Angel Araguz comments on "Gentleman":
My father’s death and absence from my life keeps coming up on the page. It is both a talisman that makes me grateful for each day I live as well as a source of wonder and perseverance. Since poems, via white space whether stanza breaks or paragraphs, engage and subsist on the unspoken, it is only natural for this conversation between us to continue.
Document Type
Published Version
Original Citation
José Angel Araguz
Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature, 2015, volume 10, issue 2
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Araguz, José Angel, "Gentleman" (2015). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 28.
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