Effects of 7-Day Alkaline Supplementation on Performance Factors in a 1300m Maximal Cycling Effort

Subject Area

Health, Human Performance and Athletics


Alkaline supplementation has been shown in previous research to improve the body’s ability to buffer lactic acid during maximal exercise. PURPOSE: To determine the physiological and performance effects a 7-day alkaline supplementation period has on a maximal 1,300-m cycling effort compared to a placebo group. METHODS: The study consisted of three visits: an introductory visit, a visit before supplementation and a visit the day after supplementation was completed. The second and third visits consisted of a 10-minute warmup, a 1,300-m maximal cycling effort, and a 10-minute cool down. During this visit, lactate concentration (LC), heart rate (HR), oxygen intake (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were taken periodically during the all-out effort and cool down period; time to completion was also measured. Participants would then return 7 days later and perform the same procedures after fully completing the 7-day treatment. A t-test was performed to determine if there was a significant difference in means between the placebo and supplement groups for each variable. RESULTS: No statistical differences were observed between treatment groups (p

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May 17th, 12:00 AM

Effects of 7-Day Alkaline Supplementation on Performance Factors in a 1300m Maximal Cycling Effort

Alkaline supplementation has been shown in previous research to improve the body’s ability to buffer lactic acid during maximal exercise. PURPOSE: To determine the physiological and performance effects a 7-day alkaline supplementation period has on a maximal 1,300-m cycling effort compared to a placebo group. METHODS: The study consisted of three visits: an introductory visit, a visit before supplementation and a visit the day after supplementation was completed. The second and third visits consisted of a 10-minute warmup, a 1,300-m maximal cycling effort, and a 10-minute cool down. During this visit, lactate concentration (LC), heart rate (HR), oxygen intake (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were taken periodically during the all-out effort and cool down period; time to completion was also measured. Participants would then return 7 days later and perform the same procedures after fully completing the 7-day treatment. A t-test was performed to determine if there was a significant difference in means between the placebo and supplement groups for each variable. RESULTS: No statistical differences were observed between treatment groups (p