DigitalCommons@Linfield - Linfield University Student Symposium: A Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Achievement: Tilings of Modified Rectangles by Ribbon-Tile Pentominoes

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Which dimensions of a and b satisfy tilings of modified rectangles by ribbon tile pentominoes? We answer this question using tile invariants developed in prior research on the mathematics of tiling, as well as the use of inductive lemmas. The set of tiles we use for this study are height-1 ribbon tile pentominoes, which we later define. Modified rectangles are a-by-b rectangles with height a and width b, and the additional feature that the top left and bottom right squares are removed.


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Apr 26th, 9:30 AM Apr 26th, 10:00 AM

Tilings of Modified Rectangles by Ribbon-Tile Pentominoes

Which dimensions of a and b satisfy tilings of modified rectangles by ribbon tile pentominoes? We answer this question using tile invariants developed in prior research on the mathematics of tiling, as well as the use of inductive lemmas. The set of tiles we use for this study are height-1 ribbon tile pentominoes, which we later define. Modified rectangles are a-by-b rectangles with height a and width b, and the additional feature that the top left and bottom right squares are removed.