iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series
Introduction to the Big Bang Theory
Document Type
Video File
48 minutes 41 seconds
Publication Date
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Cosmology, Relativity, and Gravity | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
It has been less than a century since we learned that the universe is constantly expanding. Prior to that, it was assumed to be in a static structure. In this talk, intended for non-scientists and scientists alike, Michael Crosser explores the fundamental measurements that led astronomers to understand the nature of the universe and to agree on its origins, a model commonly called the Big Bang Theory. This presentation is part of a five-lecture series focusing on different aspects of astronomy and cosmology.
Recommended Citation
Crosser, Michael S., "Introduction to the Big Bang Theory" (2013). iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series. Video File. Submission 9.
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