Senior Theses
Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Faculty Advisor(s)
Jennifer Williams
Subject Categories
Biblical Studies | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Religion
We live in an increasingly patriarchal society, and in order for women to not only survive in our society, but thrive, they need strong female role models. Now the question is, how do we find strong female role models? The field of Religious Studies can be used to uncover said female role models by way of examining mythology and ancient texts. Perhaps one of the most unexpected role models to come out of this examination is Lilith. She is unexpected because her story is often told in a deeply negative way, and her portrayal in both mythology and rabbinical texts is quite literally demonizing. However, those tales are traditionally patriarchal, which means that if they were to be examined in a different light, she would arguably become a prominent example of feminism and a popular female role model.
Recommended Citation
LeVine, Kendra, "Reclaiming Lilith as a Strong Female Role Model" (2020). Senior Theses. 5.