Senior Theses
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Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Linfield Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Faculty Advisor(s)
Yanna Weisberg (Thesis Advisor)
Jennifer Linder & Brenda DeVore Marshall (Committee Members)
Subject Categories
Cognitive Psychology | Health Psychology | Mental and Social Health | Personality and Social Contexts | Psychology | Social Psychology
Previous research done in the area of college student success has focused on academic achievement. The purpose of the current study is to examine the connections between students’ social and emotional support and well-being with their self-reported GPA. To examine this, 72 college students from a small, private college in Oregon rated themselves on their Big 5 personality traits, attachment orientation, and sense of belonging (included: perceived peer support, perceived faculty support, classroom comfort, and perceived isolation). It was found that perceived peer support was positively correlated with self-reported GPA. Further studies will need to be done to replicate these findings and to further investigate perceived support and academic achievement.
Recommended Citation
Dirksen, Catherine, "College Student Well-Being: Social and Emotional Support and the College Experience" (2019). Senior Theses. 6.