"The Value of Public Philosophy to Philosophers" by Massimo Pigliucci and Leonard Finkelman

Faculty Publications

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History of Philosophy | Philosophy | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


Philosophy has been a public endeavor since its origins in ancient Greece, India, and China. However, recent years have seen the development of a new type of public philosophy conducted by both academics and nonprofessionals. The new public philosophy manifests itself in a range of modalities, from the publication of magazines and books for the general public to a variety of initiatives that exploit the power and flexibility of social networks and new media. In this paper we examine the phenomenon of public philosophy in its several facets, and investigate whether and in what sense it is itself a mix of philosophical practice and teaching. We conclude with a number of suggestions to academic colleagues on why and how to foster further growth of public philosophy for the benefit of society at large and of the discipline itself.

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Original Citation

Massimo Pigliucci & Leonard Finkelman
The value of public philosophy to philosophers.
Essays in Philosophy, 2014, volume 15, issue 1, pages 86-102



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