"When Justice Reigns" by Andrea L. Reinkemeyer and Janine Applegate

Music Department Scores

When Justice Reigns


When Justice Reigns

Streaming Media

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Mixed Choir with Divisi SSAATTBB

Program Notes

When Justice Reigns for Mixed Choir with Divisi (2016) was commissioned by the Lacroute Arts Series at Linfield College for the Linfield College Concert Choir, directed by Dr. Anna Song, who premiered the work on Sunday, October 23, 2016 in the Richard and Lucille Ice Auditorium (McMinnville, Oregon).

Linfield College alumna Janine Applegate wrote her poem, When Justice Reigns, for this project on the theme of social justice. In it, she highlights our commonality and interconnectedness with others, while also mourning how hatred unravels the cloth of our society. To support these ideas musically, the song begins with a simple, unified texture, reminiscent of older hymns and protest songs. The stark middle section is built upon chanted pitches in the tenor and bass voices, while the unsettling upper voices mourn the lack of peace. During this section, the performers may highlight social justice issues that are especially important to them.

I am grateful for additional artistic support from: Faun Tiedge, the student performers in the Linfield College Concert Choir, and Brian and Kaisa Amer.

Publication Date


Document Type

Score and Audio File


chamber music, part songs, vocal scores, chorus


Composition | Music


"When Justice Reigns," by Janine Applegate, copyright © 2016 Janine Applegate.
Used by permission of Janine Applegate.
Copyright © 2016 Andrea L. Reinkemeyer (BMI).
All rights reserved.

When Justice Reigns
