Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Journalism Studies
The urban information environment in which city magazines operate is changing dramatically, with the decline of local newspapers and the growth of user-generated local content. City magazine editors are re-envisioning their purpose as local information providers. This study provides a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with senior editors at 15 award-winning city magazines. The editors’ responses speak to the changing role of their publications today; the function of new technologies in informing local communities; and the public service that local journalism organizations offer in a constrained economic situation.
Document Type
Published Version
Original Citation
Susan Currie Sivek
City magazine editors and the evolving urban information environment.
Community Journalism, volume 3, issue 1, pages 1-22
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Sivek, Susan Currie, "City Magazine Editors and the Evolving Urban Information Environment" (2014). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 15.
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