"Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms" by Donna Kalmbach Phillips and Mindy Legard Larson

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Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms

Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms



Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms nurtures teachers’ identities as writers, connects to the realities of writing instruction in real and diverse classrooms, and encourages critical and creative thinking. This text is about writing instruction as a journey teachers and students embark on together. The focus is on learning how to teach writing through specific teaching and learning structures found in the Writing Studio: mini-lessons; teacher and peer conferencing; guided writing; and sharing, celebrating, and broadcasting writing. Pedagogical features include teaching structures and strategies, "Problematizing Practice" classroom scenarios, assessment resources, and a Companion Website. Because a teacher who views him or herself as a writer is best positioned to implement the Writing Studio, a parallel text, Becoming-writer, gives readers space to consider who they are as a writer, their personal process as a writer, and who they might become as a writer.



Publication Date





New York, NY


Elementary Education and Teaching | Reading and Language | Rhetoric and Composition | Teacher Education and Professional Development


Description, cover image, and reviews courtesy of Routledge.

Subject Areas

Language arts (Elementary); English language -- Composition and exercises -- Study and teaching (Elementary); Report writing -- Study and teaching (Elementary)

Author/Editor Bio

Mindy Larson is Associate Professor of Education at Linfield College. She holds a Ph.D. from Oregon State University, an M.S. from Western Oregon University, and a B.S. from Linfield College.

Donna Kalmbach Phillips is Professor of Education at Pacific University.


"This book transforms the traditional focus of writing workshop to the more expansive and dynamic writer's studio. It sweeps the reader into an interactive experience that focuses on every aspect of real teaching in real classrooms at three different grade levels. It strongly supports teacher empowerment and joyful learning. It strongly communicates that becoming a teacher of writing is a dynamic, ongoing process. It is filled with authentic, practical recommendations for teaching and assessing that enable all students to achieve writing success." - Michael Shaw, St. Thomas Aquinas College

Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms
