Linfield Authors Book Gallery

Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice and Research
The 7th Edition of a multiple AJN Book of the Year Award Winner!
Prepare for the real world of family nursing care! Explore family nursing the way it’s practiced today in the United States and Canada—with a theory-guided, evidence-based approach to care throughout the family life cycle that responds to the needs of families and adapts to the changing dynamics of the health care system. From health promotion to end of life, a streamlined organization delivers the clinical guidance you need to care for today’s families.
Publication Date
F.A. Davis
Family Practice Nursing
Subject Areas
Family nursing
Excellent resource “…very readable and up to standards of bachelors or graduate nursing programs. Nicely covers issues of families and health including how they are affected by socio-economic and cultural factors, how persons define family networks, and the role of nurses with regard to caring for families. Also does a thorough job discussing the theoretical basis of family nursing, gives numerous examples of current research and suggests areas in need of further research.”— Laura C., Online Reviewer
Five Stars. “Great book for a textbook. Written in easy-to-digest language and full of good info.”—Dayna J., Online Reviewer
Melissa Robinson is Associate Professor of Nursing at Linfield College. She holds a Ph.D. in Nursing Education from Capella University, an M.N. from Oregon Health & Science University, and a B.S.N. from Salish Kootenai College.
Faculty Website for Paul Smith
Recommended Citation
Robinson, Melissa; Cohelo, Deborah Padgett; and Smith, Paul, "Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice and Research" (2022). Linfield Authors Book Gallery. 108.
Description and cover image courtesy of F.A. Davis.