Other Lectures
Yo Soy Así: Identidad, Dibujo y Palabra
Document Type
Video File
32 minutes 52 seconds
Publication Date
Art and Design | Art Education | Art Practice | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Interactive Arts | Latin American Languages and Societies
This workshop consisted of the exploration and expression of personal identity through literature and visual arts. All the participants wrote a foundational text in Spanish expressing their personal beliefs in accordance with their generation and community. As a result, visiting artist Antonio Martorell drew a FaceText (67 inches x 50 inches) inspired by the event, which portrays the countenance of Patricia Luis Hernández (Linfield Spanish Language Assistant 2017-18). This FaceText was exhibited at the Linfield College Gallery, located in the James F. Miller Fine Arts Center. Currently, it is part of Martorell’s private collection located in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Recommended Citation
Martorell, Antonio; Ticas, Sonia P.; and Carrasquillo Hernández, Tania, "Yo Soy Así: Identidad, Dibujo y Palabra" (2017). Other Lectures. Video File. Submission 33.
This file is an image of FaceText, the work created by Antonio Martorell as part of this workshop.
The workshop was attended by students in GLSP 290 (Spanish for Bilingual and Heritage Learners I) and GLSP 301 (Spanish Composition and Conversation I). Professors Sonia Ticas and Tania Carrasquillo Hernández assisted with facilitation and coordination of the workshop.