"Disability and the COVID-19 Pandemic" by Elizabeth Straus

Linfield Faculty Lecture Series

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Disability and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Document Type

Video File


1 hour 2 minutes 4 seconds

Publication Date



Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Inequality and Stratification | Nursing | Public Health and Community Nursing | Virus Diseases


There is little question that the COVID-19 pandemic has made visible and amplified health and social inequities and experiences of exclusion for many individuals and groups in the United States and worldwide. Many disabled people and their families have been particularly impacted by the pandemic and, without consideration of the social factors influencing their experiences, may be at risk for further exclusion in (post)pandemic responses. In this presentation, Elizabeth Straus (visiting assistant professor of nursing at Linfield University) draws on her ongoing multi-country critical narrative research with disabled young people who use ventilators alongside interdisciplinary and digital media sources. She explores individual and social narratives of disability and disabled people’s lives during the pandemic and how we can learn from and leverage these narratives as we (re)imagine our future world.


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