Student Presentations in History at Linfield University | Student Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Student Presentations

Student Presentations


This collection contains presentations by students in History at Linfield University.


Events from 2020


"Between Two Fires": Gender and American Socialism in the Progressive Era, Elisia Harder

Events from 2019


Selling Childhood: How the Middle Class Used Children in the Anti-Tuberculosis Movement (1930s-1940s), Hannah Fisher

Horses, Heroism, and Heimat: Rebuilding and Reinstating Gender Roles in Die Mädels vom Immenhof (1955), Ruby Guyot

Linfield College Public History Project: World War II as Experience and Memory, Elisia Harder, Ruby Guyot, Kara Skokan, Melvin Van Hurck, Rich Schmidt, Rachel Schley, and Lissa Wadewitz

Events from 2016


Digging Deeper: James Connolly in America, Peter H. Buckingham and Robin M. Seiler-Garman

Enos vs. Sowle
: A Case of Sex, Politics and Morality, Jennifer Nguyen, Lissa Wadewitz, and Sheryl Teoh

Events from 2015

Beyond the Vines - The Second Generation: A Preliminary Look at Family Relationships and Gender in the Oregon Wine Industry, Julian Adoff and Sharon Bailey Glasco


James Connolly's Years in America, 1902-1910, Sydney M. Owen

Events from 2014


Beyond the Vines: Latinos in the Oregon Wine Industry, Lydia Heins and Julian Adoff


Finding Common Interests in the Times of Rising Conflict: Shibusawa Eiichi and the 1909 Japanese Commercial Commission to the United States, Sydney M. Owen


Masculinity Studies on Two Continents and in Two Eras: Thomas A. Hickey in Victorian Dublin and Progressive Era America, 1868-1925, Alanna M. Stanton