Faculty Publications


Injury Rehabilitation Overadherence: Preliminary Scale Validation and Relationships with Athletic Identity and Self-Presentation Concerns

Publication Date



Rehabilitation and Therapy | Sports Sciences


Evidence suggests that nonadherence to rehabilitation protocols may be associated with worse clinical and functional rehabilitation outcomes. Recently, it has been recognized that nonadherence may not only reflect a lack of rehabilitation engagement but that some athletes may ‘‘overadhere’’ to their injury-rehabilitation regimen or risk a premature return to sport. Presently, no measure of overadherence exists, and correlates of overadherence and risking a premature return to sport remain uncertain.

Document Type

Published Version


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Original Citation

Leslie Podlog, Zan Gao, Laura Kenow, Jens Kleinert, Megan Granquist, Maria Newton, & James Hannon
Injury rehabilitation overadherence: preliminary scale validation and relationships with athletic identity and self-presentation concerns.
Journal of Athletic Training, 2013, volume 48, issue 3, pages 372-381
