Senior Theses
Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts in Arts & Humanities
Online and Continuing Education
Faculty Advisor(s)
Christopher Keaveney
Subject Categories
Arts and Humanities | Literature in English, British Isles | Modern Literature
C.S. Lewis was a pioneer in combining the ideas of fantasy and Christian literature, before the fantasy genre alone was even acknowledged. Christian fantasy fiction, as a fiction sub-genre, can be identified as a piece of fiction with fantastical mythology and themes, with the addition of imagery and values drawn from the Christian tradition. Christian fantasy fiction attempts to use the mystical plot elements from fantasy, with recognizable Christian ideals, and meld them in such a way that they actually reinforce each other. This thesis explains how C.S. Lewis used this new genre to allow readers of all ages to understand spiritually abstract ideas.
Recommended Citation
Callow, Amanda, "The Chronicles of Narnia, and How C.S. Lewis Created Christian Fantasy Fiction" (2015). Senior Theses. 3.