"crisscrossing Science Episode 034: Jumping Genes, the Barbara McClinto" by Michael S. Crosser and J. Christopher Gaiser

crisscrossing Science


crisscrossing Science Episode 034: Jumping Genes, the Barbara McClintock Story

Streaming Media


In this episode, Chris Gaiser (professor of biology at Linfield College) and Mike Crosser (professor of physics at Linfield College) discuss the phenomenon of transposable elements of DNA, previously known as jumping genes. It had previously been believed that DNA served as the mostly stable blueprints upon which RNA and then proteins could be formed. However, by studying the statistics of how often traits were passed to offspring in corn, Barbara McClintock was able to discover that DNA is actually somewhat active as well. We now know that DNA will switch places in the chromosome and that some segments will actually replicate themselves.

Document Type

Audio File


28 minutes 53 seconds

Publication Date



Biology | Cell Biology | Developmental Biology | Genetics | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine


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