"Isolation (View 6)" by Robin Cone-Murakami

2014 Student Thesis Exhibition



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Creation Date

Spring 2014


manipulated photographs


Art and Design | Art Practice


This photograph appeared in a four by four grid (see related resources for its accompanying images in the grid); the entire grid measures 28 inches by 40 inches by 1 inch.

Artist's Statement

Most of us thrive on human connectivity. We want to be wanted, we're unhappy when we're not. Much of our relationship with others is premised upon our fear of isolation . . . of being alone, being apart from who and what we love . . . our fear of losing something or someone. What happens when the other side of the connection is gone? Unresolved emotions, high-fives left hanging, hearts that keep searching for something which has already left. What happens to those threads that connect us to one another . . . the ones that are cut loose and left blowing in the wind? My work is an exploration of these questions and through it I am driven to create something more than a simple portrait, but rather, an experience that brings you in, makes a connection and leaves an impression . . . a residue, something that questions, something that feels and makes you feel.

My portraits are a looking glass into others and ourselves exploring concepts of isolation, serving as connections to others traveling through similar waters in an effort to better understand processes of healing. Our desire for community and connectivity lives as a bridge between us and reminds us that we are not alone.


This work appeared in The Buffet, the 2014 Thesis Exhibition at Linfield College. Photograph courtesy of Robin Cone-Murakami.

Related Resource

Isolation (View 5)

Related Resource

Isolation (View 7)

Related Resource

Isolation (View 8)


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