DigitalCommons@Linfield - Science and Social Sciences: Human Causes of the Emergence of Microbial Infectious Disease: War, Climate Change, and Socio-Ecologic Changes

Event Title

Human Causes of the Emergence of Microbial Infectious Disease: War, Climate Change, and Socio-Ecologic Changes


Jereld R. Nicholson Library


5-13-2011 3:00 PM

End Date

5-13-2011 4:30 PM

Subject Area

Biology (general)


Students in the BIOL361 General Microbiology course were asked to compile the sources they found for their annotated bibliographies and create a group poster on their topic. Students worked as a group to design an informative and appealing poster. The class poster session was held on Tuesday, May 10th, in the second floor hallway of Murdock Hall. Each student presented his or her poster for fifteen to twenty minutes while the audience mingled from poster to poster. All of campus was invited to taste the students’ culinary laboratory accomplishments and discuss microbiology topics with the students. Students and guests also sampled root beer and cheeses created during the laboratory sessions. Prizes were awarded for best posters, most creative posters, best tasting cheese and root beer, and best root beer bottle label. Today’s entry in the Nineteenth Annual Linfield College Science Symposium was selected by the students and guests at the BIOL361 General Microbiology poster session as the best overall poster.


Presenter: Halee Hyatt

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May 13th, 3:00 PM May 13th, 4:30 PM

Human Causes of the Emergence of Microbial Infectious Disease: War, Climate Change, and Socio-Ecologic Changes

Jereld R. Nicholson Library

Students in the BIOL361 General Microbiology course were asked to compile the sources they found for their annotated bibliographies and create a group poster on their topic. Students worked as a group to design an informative and appealing poster. The class poster session was held on Tuesday, May 10th, in the second floor hallway of Murdock Hall. Each student presented his or her poster for fifteen to twenty minutes while the audience mingled from poster to poster. All of campus was invited to taste the students’ culinary laboratory accomplishments and discuss microbiology topics with the students. Students and guests also sampled root beer and cheeses created during the laboratory sessions. Prizes were awarded for best posters, most creative posters, best tasting cheese and root beer, and best root beer bottle label. Today’s entry in the Nineteenth Annual Linfield College Science Symposium was selected by the students and guests at the BIOL361 General Microbiology poster session as the best overall poster.