DigitalCommons@Linfield - Science and Social Sciences: The Correlates of Wealth Disparity between the Global North & the Global South


Jereld R. Nicholson Library


5-13-2011 3:00 PM

End Date

5-13-2011 4:30 PM

Subject Area

Political Science


Why are countries of the global north wealthier than countries of the global south? The economic gap dividing the global north and the global south is increasing, creating unequal distributions of development, investment, technology/skills and wealth. The divide has remained controversial due to the ideological underpinnings of economic prescriptions for growth. This study seeks to explore the causes of the global economic divide in the hopes of discovering the primary source of the divergence. By comparing the economic, technological, educational, political and quality of life factors of countries with available data on 180 countries (42 Northern and 138 Southern), this study will attempt to identify the various factors that have created the huge global disparity of wealth. In this study I will perform multivariable regression analysis to see what results in the greatest effects on the countries’ GDP per capita. With collected data taken from the UN Database, the CIA, the World Bank, Human Development Reports, Polity IV and Transparency International, this study seeks to simultaneously analyze the factors associated with the unequal distribution of wealth worldwide. The present research represents a starting point for the future policy deliberations.


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May 13th, 3:00 PM May 13th, 4:30 PM

The Correlates of Wealth Disparity between the Global North & the Global South

Jereld R. Nicholson Library

Why are countries of the global north wealthier than countries of the global south? The economic gap dividing the global north and the global south is increasing, creating unequal distributions of development, investment, technology/skills and wealth. The divide has remained controversial due to the ideological underpinnings of economic prescriptions for growth. This study seeks to explore the causes of the global economic divide in the hopes of discovering the primary source of the divergence. By comparing the economic, technological, educational, political and quality of life factors of countries with available data on 180 countries (42 Northern and 138 Southern), this study will attempt to identify the various factors that have created the huge global disparity of wealth. In this study I will perform multivariable regression analysis to see what results in the greatest effects on the countries’ GDP per capita. With collected data taken from the UN Database, the CIA, the World Bank, Human Development Reports, Polity IV and Transparency International, this study seeks to simultaneously analyze the factors associated with the unequal distribution of wealth worldwide. The present research represents a starting point for the future policy deliberations.


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