Senior Theses

Publication Date


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physics



Faculty Advisor(s)

Michael Crosser

Subject Categories



Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has shown great potential as a substrate or dielectric for graphene device applications. However, the common hBN production method of mechanical exfoliation leaves an array of hBN flakes of unknown thicknesses on a substrate that must be further investigated to pinpoint flakes of proper thickness for research. Quick identification by color vastly outperforms the speed of the AFM scans that are typically used to measure thickness of hBN, with the limitation of broader range estimates of these thicknesses. Through the interpretation of flake RGB color resulting from differences in optical contrast between hBN and the SiO! substrate on which the flakes are resting, relationships are identified to predict the thickness of hBN.

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Physics Commons
