Oral History Interviews: Sokol Blosser Winery
Bringing Vines to the Valley: Susan Sokol Blosser Interview
Peterson, Jeff
Document Type
Video File
47 minutes 13 seconds
Publication Date
Oral History | Viticulture and Oenology
This interview is an oral history conducted by Dr. Jeff Peterson, director of the Linfield Center for the Northwest, with Susan Sokol Blosser, of Sokol Blosser Winery. The interview took place at Sokol Blosser Winery on July 14, 2010 and includes topics such as early wine industry history in the Willamette Valley and the recounting of Susan Sokol Blosser's and Bill Blosser's start in the industry.
In this interview, Susan Sokol Blosser tells what brought her to the industry and what it was like in the beginning. She shares many of the key events that have led to the success of Oregon wine today, such as the end of the pole bean industry and how it helped the wine industry get on its feet. She also highlights the role of women in the industry.
Recommended Citation
Blosser, Susan Sokol, "Bringing Vines to the Valley: Susan Sokol Blosser Interview" (2010). Oral History Interviews: Sokol Blosser Winery. Video File. Submission 1.
This interview was conducted as part of the Oregon Wine History Project™, a collaborative research venture from the Linfield Center for the Northwest. Assisting in the production of this interview were videographers Barrett Dahl and Mark Pederson; exhibit and collections coordinators Barrett Dahl, Sara Juergensen, and Keni Sturgeon (faculty advisor); and project historical researchers Dulce Kersting and Lissa Wadewitz (faculty advisor).