"Oregon Wine Board Meeting Minutes July 31, 2012" by Oregon Wine Board

Document Type

Meeting Minutes

Publication Date



Viticulture and Oenology


These meeting minutes list individuals in attendance and missing from the July 31, 2012 Oregon Wine Board (OWB) meeting, held at The Food Innovation Center in Portland, Oregon. Tom Danowski gave the Oregon Wine Research Institute (OWRI) update. The OWB website relaunch was discussed by Charles Humble. Ellen Brittan gave the OWB marketing report. Leigh Bartholomew gave the monthly financial review. The meeting lasted 1 hour 3 minutes, and the Board went into Executive Session after the meeting was adjourned.


Collection Credit

Oregon Wine Board Collection. Jereld R. Nicholson Library. Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Courtesy of OWB, 2015.



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