"Oregon Wine Board Meeting Minutes December 4, 2012" by Oregon Wine Board

Document Type

Meeting Minutes

Publication Date



Viticulture and Oenology


These meeting minutes list individuals in attendance and missing from the December 4, 2012 Oregon Wine Board (OWB) meeting, held at the OSU Food Innovation Center. Reports and updates were given from committees, as well as nominations for positions on the Executive Committee and a budget report and financial statement review. The Board recessed for about an hour to discuss the Oregon State University legislative funding proposals; after reconvening, the Board later went into Executive Session for nearly 3 hours. The meeting concluded with discussion of a temporary credit facility for the Oregon Winegrowers Association (OWA).


Collection Credit

Oregon Wine Board Collection. Jereld R. Nicholson Library. Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Courtesy of OWB, 2015.



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