"Attempting an Affirmative Approach to American Broadcasting: Ideology," by Michael W. Huntsberger

Faculty Publications

Publication Date



Broadcast and Video Studies | Economic Policy | Mass Communication


The Public Telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP) was the largest source of capital funding for U.S. public broadcasters for nearly fifty years. Between 1963 and 2010, the PTFP distributed more than $800 million to support the construction of public broadcasting facilities. Though the PTFP itself was generally noncontroversial, the fortunes of the program were complicated by the partisan politics of public broadcasting and federal fiscal policy. This study provides evidence of the ambiguous and contingent nature of the American approach to public broadcasting, and demonstrates some of the problems associated with affirmative efforts by government to advance public communication.

Document Type

Accepted Version


This article is the author-created version that incorporates referee comments. It is the accepted-for-publication version. The content of this version may be identical to the published version (the version of record) save for value-added elements provided by the publisher (e.g., copy editing, layout changes, or branding consistent with the rest of the publication).


© 2014 AEJMC

Original Citation

Michael W. Huntsberger
Attempting an affirmative approach to American broadcasting: Ideology, politics, and the Public Telecommunications Facilities Program
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 2014, volume 91, issue 4, pages 756-771



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