"City Magazine Editors and the Evolving Urban Information Environment" by Susan Currie Sivek

Faculty Publications

Publication Date



Journalism Studies


The urban information environment in which city magazines operate is changing dramatically, with the decline of local newspapers and the growth of user-generated local content. City magazine editors are re-envisioning their purpose as local information providers. This study provides a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with senior editors at 15 award-winning city magazines. The editors’ responses speak to the changing role of their publications today; the function of new technologies in informing local communities; and the public service that local journalism organizations offer in a constrained economic situation.

Document Type

Published Version


This article is the publisher-created version, also considered to be the final version or the version of record. It includes value-added elements provided by the publisher, such as copy editing, layout changes, and branding consistent with the rest of the publication.

Original Citation

Susan Currie Sivek
City magazine editors and the evolving urban information environment.
Community Journalism, volume 3, issue 1, pages 1-22



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