Post-Grant Reports
Maximizing Impact for DigitalCommons@Linfield: Becoming a Certified IR Manager
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Cataloging and Metadata | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication | Scholarly Publishing
DigitalCommons@Linfield is Linfield College’s institutional repository (IR), a place for collecting, sharing, and providing long-term access to the scholarly and creative works of the faculty, students, and staff at Linfield, as well as materials related to the history and development of the college. DigitalCommons@Linfield directly supports Linfield’s core themes of creating a culture of engagement and excellence, integrating teaching and learning, fostering global and multicultural understanding, and facilitating experiential learning; the IR also supports multiple goals in the 2012-2018 Strategic Plan. Managing an IR requires staying current with best practices, standards, and information trends. Recent developments in copyright, government mandates for depositing publicly funded research, and the open access ecosystem impact the daily work of IR managers. Funding from a faculty development grant enabled me to attend a three-day repository manager certification course that focused on key areas essential to a healthy IR. As a result of my attendance, I networked with other IR managers from across the United States, crafted a personalized action plan stemming from previously identified goals, advanced my understanding of customizations possible within the Digital Commons software, and identified methods for maximizing impact of new and existing collections.
Recommended Citation
Spring, Kathleen, "Maximizing Impact for DigitalCommons@Linfield: Becoming a Certified IR Manager" (2015). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 52.
This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Faculty Development Grant in 2015, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.