Post-Grant Reports
Sabbatical Leave Report
Document Type
Publication Date
Educational Psychology | Nursing | Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Project 1: Decreasing Nursing Students’ Stigma Towards Persons with Mental Illness through Education
Project 2: Preliminary Development of a Collaborative Interdisciplinary and International Public Health Program to Decrease the Stigma of Mental Illness in the Khabarovsk Krai Region in the Russian Far East
Regarding Project 1, I completed data analysis of eight years of data and review of the literature. Findings from the data analysis will be submitted to a major national peer-reviewed conference for presentation this fall. The findings suggest that nursing students benefit from a stand-alone psychiatric mental health nursing course to decrease students’ stigma towards persons with mental illness and to inform their clinical practice when providing care to persons with mental disorders in a variety of community and acute care settings.
Project two led to my active participation in the national and international Fulbright Association, being asked to serve as an international editor for an international journal, and working collaboratively with a Russian and American psychologist to improve the recognition of the Russian psychologist thereby improving mental health care in the Russian Far East.
On my semester-long sabbatical, I worked on the two projects mentioned above—in addition, I continued to actively serve and participate on the Faculty Executive Committee, lead the Portland Division meetings, and attended the Faculty Assembly meetings—these three entities met monthly. I worked on these two projects in my office on the Portland campus most days of the week. My teaching responsibilities are in Semester Two of the nursing curriculum consequently, thus I also regularly attended nursing’s Semester Two team meetings to participate and contribute to the curriculum plan.
Recommended Citation
Rodgers, Laura, "Sabbatical Leave Report" (2015). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 48.
This research was conducted as part of a sabbatical leave in 2014.