Post-Grant Reports
Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report
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American Politics | Political History | Political Science | Political Theory | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | United States History
Maggie Hawkins, Ellie Forness, and I collaborated on two major research projects during the summer of 2014. First, we engaged in research for a book project on the American abolitionists. More specifically, we examined the letters of Lydia Maria Child, who was a leading abolitionist writer / newspaper editor in Massachusetts. We read as many of Child’s letters as we could find, annotated the letters, and engaged in small group discussions of her ideas. This collaborative research on Child will be a crucial, foundational piece of my book project. Second, we engaged in research, writing, and editing of an essay project on the political thought of James Baldwin. Both Maggie and Ellie read a significant amount of primary and secondary literature on Baldwin, participated in small group discussions with me about Baldwin’s thought, and they provided crucial feedback on my writing about Baldwin. I expect the Baldwin essay to be published next year in a book entitled, A Political Companion to James Baldwin.
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Buccola, Nicholas, "Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report" (2015). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 37.
This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2014, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.