Post-Grant Reports
Can the Terrorist Speak? Trauma, Testimony, and the Genre of 9/11 Literatures
Document Type
Publication Date
English Language and Literature
I delivered my paper “Can the Terrorists Speak? Trauma, Testimony and the Genre of 9/11 Literatures” at the 1st Global Conference on Testimony: Memory, Trauma, Truth, and Engagement. This conference was held from 29th July – 31st July 2014 in Mansfield College, Oxford (England), followed by two days of collaborative research symposium exclusively for paper presenters. The conference presenters came from all over the globe (North America, Somalia, Egypt, India, Spain, Indonesia and several other countries).
My paper was very well received, and I have been invited to submit my paper to a special collection of essays on the topic of trauma and testimony. Also, the two days of collaborative research and discussions that followed allowed me to discuss the larger topic of war, testimony, and trauma in a truly multi-disciplinary context.
The conference was particularly helpful for understanding both the current conversations and the framework of my own book project. It was indeed a wonderful opportunity to meet and network with a global community of writers and scholars, all interested in various repercussions of war on humanity.
Recommended Citation
Dutt-Ballerstadt, Reshmi, "Can the Terrorist Speak? Trauma, Testimony, and the Genre of 9/11 Literatures" (2014). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 23.
This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Faculty Development Grant in 2014, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.