"Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report" by Nicholas Buccola

Post-Grant Reports


Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report

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American Politics | Political History | Political Science | Political Theory | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social Influence and Political Communication | United States History


During the summer of 2016, undergraduate student Maggie Hawkins and I collaborated on my book project, The Radical and the Conservative: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley, and the American Dream. The book focuses on a debate that occurred at the Cambridge Union in 1965. Previous SFCRGs have allowed me to work with students to gather and discuss a great deal of the research for this project and in 2016 I was able to begin writing. Maggie played two major roles last summer. First, as I was writing I would often ask her to do additional research on a particular issue that I was addressing in the book. When I was writing about Baldwin’s 1948 essay, “Journey to Atlanta,” it was necessary for me to learn more about the tumultuous political summer of 1948 when the Democratic Party splintered over racial and economic issues. So Maggie was charged with the task of tracking down the needed information and producing memos based on her findings. Second, Maggie was an invaluable editor for the project. As I finished writing particular sections or chapters, I would share them with Maggie and she would provide constructive feedback to inform my revisions. In addition, Maggie was working on her own writing on Baldwin so I was able to provide her with feedback on her project.


This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2016, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.

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