Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Higher Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development
This study examines the emerging teacher literacy identities of Ian and A.J., two preservice teachers in a graduate teacher education program in the United States. Using a poststructural feminisms theoretical framework, the study illustrates the embodiment of literacy pedagogy discourses in relation to the literacy courses’ discourse of comprehensive literacy and the literacy biographical discourses of Ian and A.J. The results of this study indicate the need to deconstruct how the discourse of comprehensive literacy limits how we, as literacy teacher educators, position, hear and respond to our preservice teachers and suggests the need for differentiation in our teacher education literacy courses.
Document Type
Accepted Version
This is an electronic version of an article published in Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teacher’s Professional Development, volume 13, issue 2, 2009, pages 135-146. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teacher’s Professional Development is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13664530903043962
Original Citation
Donna Kalmbach Phillips & Mindy Legard Larson
Embodied Discourses of Literacy in the Lives of Two Preservice Teachers.
Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teacher’s Professional Development, 2009, volume 13, issue 2, pages 135-146
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Phillips, Donna Kalmbach and Larson, Mindy Legard, "Embodied Discourses of Literacy in the Lives of Two Preservice Teachers" (2009). Faculty Publications. Accepted Version. Submission 3.
This article is the author-created version that incorporates referee comments. It is the accepted-for-publication version. The content of this version may be identical to the published version (the version of record) save for value-added elements provided by the publisher (e.g., copy editing, layout changes, or branding consistent with the rest of the publication).