Faculty Publications

Publication Date



Communication Technology and New Media


This report documents the results of a pilot study of the use of podcasting technology in a lower division course at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. Based on a survey of 209 undergraduate students, the study reports high levels of usage and satisfaction with content and delivery, and suggests the technology added value to class content for students.

Document Type

Published Version


This article is the publisher-created version, also considered to be the final version or the version of record. It includes value-added elements provided by the publisher, such as copy editing, layout changes, and branding consistent with the rest of the publication.

Original Citation

Michael Huntsberger & Alan G. Stavitsky
The New "Podagogy": Incorporating Podcasting into Journalism Education.
Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 2007, volume 61, issue 4, pages 397-410



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