"Remembering Tiananmen Square" by Douglas W. Lee


Douglas W. Lee


In the fall of 1989, history professor Doug Lee gave a campus talk that shook Linfield student Scott Bernard Nelson (class of 1994, now Linfield's director of communications and marketing) to the core. It came only a few months after Chinese soldiers had entered Tiananmen Square and massacred hundreds of teenagers and twentysomethings – students about Nelson's age – and arrested thousands more. Professor Lee had been in Tiananmen the night of the massacre, had taken pictures and talked with some of those students only hours beforehand. According to Nelson, it made the world feel very small, made him see international events in a new light, and led, in not insignificant ways, to decisions about what he would do with his life. Thirty years later, after his own stints overseas as a journalist and war correspondent, Nelson was fortunate enough to hear Doug tell his story again – this time for Linfield Magazine and the Linfield Archives.



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