Faculty Publications
Publication Date
American Politics | Performance Studies | Theatre and Performance Studies
Lindsey Mantoan reviews Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11: Patriotic Dissent (edited by Jenny Spencer) for Theatre Topics.
Document Type
Published Version
Copyright © 2014 The Johns Hopkins University Press. This article first appeared in THEATRE TOPICS, Volume 24, Issue 2, 2014, pages 159-160.
Original Citation
Lindsey Mantoan
Political and protest theatre after 9/11: Patriotic dissent.
Theatre Topics, 2014, volume 24, issue 2, pages 159-160
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Mantoan, Lindsey, "Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11: Patriotic Dissent" (2014). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 3.
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