DigitalCommons@Linfield - Linfield University Student Symposium: A Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Achievement: Tilings of Annular Region


Jereld R. Nicholson Library

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We present our summer research on mathematical tiling. We classified which rectangular annular regions are tileable by the set of T and skew tretrominoes. We present a partial proof of this result, and discuss some of the context for this problem.


Presenter: Kyle Evitts


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May 16th, 4:30 PM May 16th, 6:00 PM

Tilings of Annular Region

Jereld R. Nicholson Library

We present our summer research on mathematical tiling. We classified which rectangular annular regions are tileable by the set of T and skew tretrominoes. We present a partial proof of this result, and discuss some of the context for this problem.