DigitalCommons@Linfield - Linfield University Student Symposium: A Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Achievement: Traffic Flow: An Approach towards Modeling the Right Lane Rule


Jereld R. Nicholson Library

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We attempted to model and analyze the effect of the right hand rule for the 2014 COMAP Math Modeling Competition. In order to analyze the right hand rule we started with Greenshield’s macroscopic approach and modified it to simulate the effects of the right hand rule. By analyzing the resulting changes in the flow and density of the system we determined the performance of the rule in varying traffic densities. Next we looked at the performance by modeling traffic flow when the rule is strictly adhered to, as compared to an intermediate, where the rule is followed until the critical density is reached. In the intermediate model we show how traffic flow can be maximized if people no longer follow the right hand rule after the critical density.


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May 16th, 4:30 PM May 16th, 6:00 PM

Traffic Flow: An Approach towards Modeling the Right Lane Rule

Jereld R. Nicholson Library

We attempted to model and analyze the effect of the right hand rule for the 2014 COMAP Math Modeling Competition. In order to analyze the right hand rule we started with Greenshield’s macroscopic approach and modified it to simulate the effects of the right hand rule. By analyzing the resulting changes in the flow and density of the system we determined the performance of the rule in varying traffic densities. Next we looked at the performance by modeling traffic flow when the rule is strictly adhered to, as compared to an intermediate, where the rule is followed until the critical density is reached. In the intermediate model we show how traffic flow can be maximized if people no longer follow the right hand rule after the critical density.