DigitalCommons@Linfield - Science and Social Sciences: Effects of an Increase in Salivary Cortisol on the BMI of College Students

Event Title

Effects of an Increase in Salivary Cortisol on the BMI of College Students


Jereld R. Nicholson Library


5-13-2011 3:00 PM

End Date

5-13-2011 4:30 PM

Subject Area

Psychology (general)


The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate a potential link between salivary cortisol and body mass index (BMI). We will collect saliva and measure BMI in a random group of college students from Portland, Oregon. The data will be used to evaluate how salivary cortisol concentrations correlate to BMI.

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Import Event to Google Calendar

May 13th, 3:00 PM May 13th, 4:30 PM

Effects of an Increase in Salivary Cortisol on the BMI of College Students

Jereld R. Nicholson Library

The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate a potential link between salivary cortisol and body mass index (BMI). We will collect saliva and measure BMI in a random group of college students from Portland, Oregon. The data will be used to evaluate how salivary cortisol concentrations correlate to BMI.