

Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research officially ceased publication in 2018. Below are the relevant policies from when the journal was active.


Who Can Submit?

Submissions are accepted from current Linfield students, or from recent graduates within 12 months of the official graduation date for research conducted while a student at Linfield College.

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General Submission Rules

All submissions must be sponsored by a Linfield College faculty member. Authors also must own the copyright to the work being submitted or be authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer). If you have concerns about the submission terms for Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research, please contact the editors.

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Formatting Requirements

Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission. There are, however, rules governing the formatting of the final submission. See Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for details. Although bepress can provide limited technical support, it is ultimately the responsibility of the author to produce an electronic version of the article as a high-quality PDF file, or a Microsoft Word or RTF file that can be converted to a PDF file.

It is understood that the current state of technology of PDFs is such that there are no, and can be no, guarantees that documents in PDF will work perfectly with all possible hardware and software configurations that readers may have.

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Rights for Authors and DigitalCommons@Linfield

As described in our author agreement, authors give Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research and DigitalCommons@Linfield the non-exclusive, irrevocable right to copy, distribute, display, and publish their work, and to migrate it in the future as needed to keep the content available in accessible, online format. Authors also allow Linfield College to feature parts or all of this work in its publications, accompanied by proper attribution to the author. Authors retain all copyrights, allowing them to publish, present, and/or use any or all of the material in their contributions for their own purpose, prior or subsequent to the appearance of their work in Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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Reviewer Rubric

All reviewers utilize a common rubric for evaluating submissions to Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research.

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Conditions of Use

Users of the DigitalCommons@Linfield website and/or software agree not to misuse the DigitalCommons@Linfield service or software in any way.

Unless otherwise specified, works in Quercus: Linfield Journal of Undergraduate Research are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.

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