Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Broadcast and Video Studies
This chapter provides an assessment of public broadcasting in the United States. It asserts that European public service broadcasting (PSB) could learn from U.S. practices that may prove to be particularly relevant in the current PSB climate.
Document Type
Published Version
Original Citation
Alan G. Stavitsky, Michael W. Huntsberger
With the Support of Listeners Like You: Lessons From U.S. Public Radio.
In The Public in Public Service Media: [RIPE@2009], edited by Gregory Ferrell Lowe
2010, pages 257-271, Göteborg: Nordicom
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Stavitsky, Alan G. and Huntsberger, Michael, ""With the Support of Listeners Like You": Lessons from U.S. Public Radio" (2010). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 3.
This article is the publisher-created version, also considered to be the final version or the version of record. It includes value-added elements provided by the publisher, such as copy editing, layout changes, and branding consistent with the rest of the publication.