"Packaging Inspiration: Al Qaeda’s Digital Magazine <em>Inspire</em> in" by Susan Currie Sivek

Faculty Publications

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Communication Technology and New Media | International and Intercultural Communication | Mass Communication | Social Influence and Political Communication


Al Qaeda is today a fragmented organization, and its strategic communication efforts now focus largely on recruiting individuals in the West to carry out “individual jihad” in their home countries. One Al Qaeda–affiliated publication, Inspire, represents an unusual use of the digital magazine format and content for recruitment. This study examines the content and design of Inspire to determine how the magazine may advance the self-radicalization that it seeks to induce in its readers. This analysis finds that the magazine weaves together jihadist ideology, a narrow interpretation of Islam, and appropriations of Western popular culture to maximize the publication’s potential for motivating readers toward violence.

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Published Version


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Copyright © 2013 (Susan Currie Sivek). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at http://ijoc.org.

Original Citation

Susan Currie Sivek
Packaging inspiration: Al Qaeda’s digital magazine Inspire in the self-radicalization process.
International Journal of Communication, 2013, volume 7, pages 584–606



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