Linfield Authors Book Gallery

The Economics of Intercollegiate Sports
Does the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) exploit student athletes? Should athletes be paid? Does Title IX unfairly discriminate against men's sports? Are the salaries of head coaches excessive? Why is there so much cheating in college sports? Should the sports department be subsidized by the university? Why do universities place so much emphasis on athletics?
The above are just some of the questions raised in this sports economics textbook specially designed to teach undergraduate students about the college sports industry. The book focuses on the unique cartel structure of the NCAA and its member institutions to shed light on the labor market for college athletes and coaches; the tension between athletics and academics; the finance of athletic departments; the role of the media and commercialization of college sports; race, gender, and legal issues; and the desirability and plausibility of reform.
The book reinforces the economic analysis with a variety of examples of recent events and can be used as either a primary or secondary text.
Publication Date
World Scientific
Singapore; Hackensack, NJ
Subject Areas
College sports -- Economic aspects -- United States; College sports -- Organization and administration -- United States
“EIS encompasses a wide amount of material — that is one of its strongest points. . . . The book also adroitly achieves consistency in both depth and range across the different chapters. . . . EIS is a highly readable and useful text on a topic of widespread interest.” - Journal of Sports Economics
“There is clearly enough material, in terms of breadth and depth, to use the book as a stand-alone textbook for an undergraduate seminar in sport economics. The book offers a lot of data, tables, and figures to help the authors make their points. The end-of-chapter assignments, review questions, and internet study questions . . . provide sufficient support to an instructor who might use this textbook as the only textbook for a class. I also found the economic theory concepts easy to understand and examples appropriately placed throughout the book.” - International Journal of Sport Finance
Recommended Citation
Grant, Randy R.; Leadley, John; and Zygmont, Zenon, "The Economics of Intercollegiate Sports" (2008). Linfield Authors Book Gallery. 7.
Description, cover image, and reviews courtesy of World Scientific.