"Receptor Biology" by Michael F. Roberts and Anne E. Kruchten

Linfield Authors Book Gallery

Receptor Biology

Receptor Biology



This book is geared to every student in biology, pharmacy and medicine who needs to become familiar with receptor mediated signaling. The text starts with explaining some basics in membrane biochemistry, hormone biology and the concept of receptor based signaling as the main form of communication between cells and of cells with the environment. It goes on covering each receptor superfamily in detail including their structure and evolutionary context. The last part focuses exclusively on examples where thorough knowledge of receptors is critical: pharmaceutical research, developmental biology, neurobiology and evolutionary biology. Richly illustrated, the book is perfectly suited for all courses covering receptor based signaling, regardless whether they are part of the biology, medicine or pharmacology program.



Publication Date





Weinheim, Germany


Biochemistry | Biology | Cell and Developmental Biology | Evolution | Neuroscience and Neurobiology | Pharmacology


Description courtesy of Wiley-VCH; cover page courtesy of Amazon.

Subject Areas

Cell receptors -- Textbooks; Cellular signal transduction -- Textbooks

Author/Editor Bio

Michael Roberts is Professor Emeritus of Biology. He holds a Ph.D and M.A. in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin and a B.A. in Zoology from the University of California-Berkeley.

Anne Kruchten is Associate Professor of Biology at Linfield College. She holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in Biology from Transylvania University.

Receptor Biology
