Linfield Authors Book Gallery

Casino Accounting and Financial Management
Casino Accounting and Financial Management has been recognized as the essential manual for gaming industry professionals since its first publication in 1988. This second edition is updated throughout and greatly expands the original text, addressing recent growth and changes in the casino industry as gaming has spread into new venues both nationwide and internationally, incorporated new games and new technology, and become subject to new management policies and new government regulations. The book covers every aspect of the financial management of a casino, from the details of licensing and regulation to revenue taxation; the management of slot machines and other gaming devices, table games, and betting operations; revenue flows and internal cash controls; cashiering; accounting; and financial reporting. In this new edition, author E. Malcolm Greenlees provides detailed information about the growing role of state governments in the regulation of gaming. He also discusses regulations covering new venues for gaming, such as riverboats, Native American casinos, and video lottery terminals. Reflecting the new dominance of slot machines as the major revenue source in most casinos, he provides information about recent changes in the types and operation of slot machines, as well as current accounting procedures for slot revenues. In the two decades since the book’s first publication, state governments have enacted tighter and more complex regulatory oversight of the gaming industry. In updating the book, Greenlees includes detailed discussions of new standards in currency transaction reporting and gross revenue taxation. In addition, he describes changes in casino accounting, auditing, and financial reporting methods that incorporate the latest revisions in the Casino Audit Guide of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. There is also abundant information about new managerial accounting methods for casinos, as well as information about variations in state laws that govern the casino industry. This updated and greatly expanded edition of Casino Accounting and Financial Management will remain the indispensable authority on gaming operations in the twenty-first century. It belongs on the desk of every casino manager and gaming financial professional in the industry.
Publication Date
University of Nevada Press
Accounting | Finance and Financial Management
Subject Areas
Casinos -- Accounting; Casinos -- Finance
Series Information
The gambling studies series
Recommended Citation
Greenlees, Malcolm, "Casino Accounting and Financial Management" (2008). Linfield Authors Book Gallery. 12.
Description and cover image courtesy of University of Nevada Press.