"Can Yamhill County Feed Itself?" by Katie O'Brien, Katharine Holm et al.

Papers from ENVS 485 (Environmental Problem-Solving Seminar)

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2013


Agricultural and Resource Economics | Agriculture


In this paper, we considered the following question: If Yamhill County in northwest Oregon were to become isolated, would the population be able to survive off the agricultural products grown within its boundaries? We looked at what the farms in Yamhill County grow and how large of a population they could support. Essentially, this looked at the feasibility of a purely local food system within the borders of Yamhill County. We hypothesized that Yamhill County would not be able to feed itself without outsourcing; stemming from this hypothesis, we examined the maximum amount of food that can be produced locally and what would need to be imported to meet basic nutritional guidelines.

A study done in 2010 looked at the local food system of the Willamette Valley and compared the local agriculture with dietary needs for the population to determine if the valley could support itself. The study determined that the Willamette Valley does not meet any of the nutrient needs for a healthy diet given by the USDA for any of the food groups (Giombolini et al, 2010). Due to the scope and methods of this study, we decided to use this paper as a model for examining the local food system of Yamhill County.


This paper was completed as part of the requirements for ENVS 485 (Environmental Problem-Solving Seminar) at Linfield College.



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